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CDIA and the 333 current

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001: Introducing the System

The first being to work with is Choronzon. He is the key in which the initiate gains control over his inner demons, and learns of the Qlipphoth. The whole system I use is really just a version of the tree of death.

The next to focus on, is Dagon. Here is dreams and the astral plane. Meditation, lucid dreaming and dream control.

Then is Samael, and one does research upon the history of the Adversary, the devil. One becomes the devil, in thought and in deed.

Next is Lilith, and this is a sex magic grade.

The next grade is Nergal, and trains assassins.

Then is Zevs, which is the organizers/administration.

Sathariel is above this, and purpose here is to make sure the organization remains secret.

The 9th grade is Barbelith, war chiefs if we ever manage to raise an army, and also has responsibility to find new members.

At the top of this system is Azathoth, the leader.


Frater Pachad 10*, C:.D:.I:.A:.

All these rituals have been performed by the Master. I have tried to make concise statements that are easy to follow. Going up the numbers, but not always, it may be required that obvious things are not explained, so the level of a magician that you are right now, may not gain results yet.

First Ritual: Become a Guardian

1. Place an altar in the North. 2. Place on the altar a picture of [Person]. 3. Invoke your Guardian Self. 4. "In the name of YHVH and Satan, I pledge to protect [Person]". 5. End ritual with touching your right shoulder saying your magical motto.

Second Ritual: Love Spell

Tools: 8 Black Candles, Black Mirror.

1. Make a Circle of Protection on the ground, light the candles around it, and set up the mirror within it. 2. Sound: I A E O U. 3. Call: "Cthulhu, AZATHOTH, Nyarlathotep, bring me [Person] to appear in the mirror". 4. Unfocus your eyes while staring at the mirror and let your reflection become the reflection of [Person]. 5. Spell: "By the name of Belial, of Satariel, of Gremory and Sitri, [Person] is to become my bride/husband".

Third Ritual: Evocation of Satariel

Tools: Sword, Crystal Ball.

1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. 2. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram. 3. Perform the Middle Pillar. 4. Draw down the Light to the Ritual Space. 5. Call: "By the Divine Light, I Command you, Satariel, to appear to me in this Crystal Ball". 6. Scry into the Ball (Satariel has the appearance of a dark cloaked figure, standing in front of a horde of masked female demons). 7. State the intent of the ritual, a desire you wish to have Satariel fulfil. [Satariel belongs to the other side of the Tree of Life corresponding to the Sephira Binah]

Fourth Ritual: Basic Sex Magic

Tools: A male or female Human Specimen.

1. Draw a large Sigil representing the result you wish to achieve on the ground, within a Circle. 2. Have Sex with Human on the Sigil. 3. On point of Orgasm, both parties visualize the Sigil shooting far into the reaches of the Universe.

Fifth Ritual: To Journey in the Astral Realms

Preparation: Pray to your Angel to aid you in this. Tell him/her to come at this night.

1. Lie down with your eyes shut. 2. Do not change position, or move at all, and keep your mind awake in meditation. 3. Enter the hypnagogic state of mind, where pictures flashes, and Will to project Out of Body. Here your Angel may come. 4. Evoke Sandalphon or Yog-Sothoth, and request Portal to the Astral.

Sixth Ritual: Becoming the Assassin

Note: This ritual is the initiation into the 6th degree in the CDIA System. Tools: Athame. Black Robe. Book: De Vermiis Mysteriis.

1. Place an altar in th East. Place the athame upon it. 2. Perform Liber Resh in the morning, mid-day, and evening. 3. At exactly 11:55pm, put on a Black Robe and stand in front of the altar. 4. Take the athame, and hold it up high. 5. Two other Agents brings the Sacrifice. 6. Standing among higher ranking Agents in the C:.D:.I:.A:., you put the athame to use.

Note2: The 6th grade of CDIA is optional.

Seventh Ritual: Money

Tools: Wand, Green Robe, Thick Orange Candle, a dollar bill. Book: The Grimorium Verum.

1. Evoke Clauneck from the Grimorium Verum. 2. Invite him into a Pact where you will be his Student for 12 months. 3. Light the Candle, and burn the dollar bill. 4. Spell: "By Shammash, Thoth, Air and Earth, I gain Riches Every Day."

Eight Ritual: Becoming Master at Martial Arts

Preparation: 6 months of Karate, 3 months of Kung Fu. Tools: Sharp Sword. Book: The Lesser Key of Solomon: The Goetia.

1. Evoke Belial, and agree on one week under his Influence. 2. Every day you will get in trouble, and must fight your way out. 3. After the week is over, if you survive, banish Belial.

Ninth Ritual: Lesser 333

Preparation: Read upon the magic of John Dee, and especially upon the First Aethyr.

1. Enter the First Aethyr. 2. Eventually you will meet a Demon Infused with all your Fears. 3. Challenge him and defeat him.

Tenth Ritual: Strength of Ego

1. Think yourself above all other Humans. 2. You are the most Intelligent Human on Earth. 3. Also, you have Great Knowledge, and Great Power. 4. None can defeat you, let yourself go beyond all bounds. 5. Then venture to the Abyss and Call upon Choronzon. 6. You are the Dark Self, while Choronzon is Darker. 7. Laugh at him. Challenge him to a duel. 8. Now your Soul will be searched for Light. If Choronzon finds any, he will Destroy You Utterly. 9. If rather, your Soul is found to be Pitch Black, Choronzon himself will be Defeated, and you may call yourself a Black Brother.

Eleventh Ritual: Attracting Material Things or Drugs

Tools: White Candle.

1. Bring two Sigils to the Altar: One by Spare Method for the thing you want, and one of the Spirit that can help you. 2. Light the Candle at the altar, and let it burn down.

Twelwth Ritual: Spell Through Gaining Godhead

1. The God-Head is the mind of AZATHOTH. Study him, and note that he is Eternal and Omniscient. 2. Place yourself in the Center of the Universe, absorbing all Matter and all Unseen Energies. 3. Pose a question to this visualization. 4. Answer the question. 5. Let your Sight go Black, and your Mind go Empty. 6. Feel as you are AZATHOTH, think like AZATHOTH. You are Prime Chaos, you are Blind, you are Mad. You are an Idiot-God. 7. Become as Nothing. Then Become Infinite Space. Then Become Infinite Light. Then Contract to One Point. 8. As that One Point, you are Everything yet Unmanifest. 9. Spell: "I Will into Creation [object of Desire]. My Will Be Done."

Thirteenth Ritual: The Inverted Pentagram

Tools: Wand, Knife, Cup and Coin.

1. Place the Wand in the East, the Cup in the West, the Knife in the South, and the Coin in the North. 2. Trace an inverted Red Pentagram in the East, South, West and North. 3. Call: "Sammael before me, Belial behind me, Choronzon to my Right, and Sandalphon on my Left."

Fourtheenth Ritual: Grounding and Protection against Magical Attack

Tools: Salt.

1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, or the Inverted Pentagram. 2. Take a hot bath, or a shower. 3. Pour Salt in a Circle around you. 4. Sit down in Lotus and do Void Meditation for one hour. 5. Spell: "All magic against me will return to Sender." 6. Eat some food.

Fifteenth Ritual: Greater Sex Magic

Tools: Amphetamine, Hashish. Human Specimen.

1. Intake amphetamine and hashish in the evening. 2. If you are male, invoke Mars, if you are female, invoke Venus. 3. Have Sex with Human for 8 hours without Orgasm. 4. Focus now this Sexual Energy on a Result. Let it linger in your mind. 4. Greet the Sun when it comes up, and thank it for bringing in a new day, the day of Possibility.

Sixteenth Ritual: Divining with Tarot 1

1. Meditate for 10 minutes, clear your mind. 2. Take 3 cards out, one for the Past, one for the Present, and one for the Future. 3. Look at the cards in order and notice the first impressions you get. 4. Continue taking 3 cards for the Past, Present and Future until you have used the entire deck. 5. Now shuffle the cards and spread them out face down on the table. Feel with your left hand after one card, and reveal it. 6. This is the Key Card, telling you what will really come.

Seventeenth Ritual: Divining with Tarot 2

1. Draw seven cards. 2. Card one: The Past. 3. Card two: The Present. 4. Card three: The immediate Future. 5. Card four: The Question. 6. Card Five: What can help you. 7. Card Six: What to be aware of. 8. Card Seven: The Result if following the advice of the Cards.

003: The Lessons by Therese Enoksen

First Lesson in Sorcery

 by Therese Enoksen 2017

 Fire = Action  Water =Emotion  Air = Intellect  Earth = The Five Senses

1. God  2. Male  3. Female  4. King   5. Warrior  6. The Self   7. Love and Beauty   8. Philosophy     9. Dream and Astral  10. Earth

 Invocation/Evocation: Commanding Spirits to either possess or appear.

 List of Fallen Angels: 


 The Three Chiefs:

 Lucifer, Satan and Pan

 Ok, cut the crap about using tools or doing things astrally.  Just learn to do the LBRP and then call upon YHVH to strike Fear into the Spirits  Do not try to be a friend, or do any kind of Pact, but simply Command the Demon to do as you ask  Then, and only then, when the result comes, thank the Fallen Angel by providing some sort of Sacrifice

The Second Lesson in Sorcery

 by Soror 778

 2017 ...

Evocation, or Summoning of Spirits require magical tools, a Circle on the ground, and a triangle in which you place a black mirror, have a fire, something making heavy smoke, or a bowl of water.

You must not use any psychiatric drugs, but do use illegal drugs, oh yes.

The tools must be prepared (consecrated).

Here is a simple Banishing Ritual: I A E O U!

Some training into Scrying is required for this kind of Evocation to work. Some books to look at are Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos, Crystal Gazing by de Laurence, Crystal Vision through Crystal Gazing by Frater Achad, and How to Make and Use a Magic Mirror by Donald Tyson.

The god-name Yod Heh Vau Heh, Yawheh, or Jehovah, is what is to be threatened with. It stands for the four elements (see first lesson).

The Solomonic Spirits are the best to work with, reported all over the world.

Decide on a date and a natural hour to do the operation (planetary hour, use Crowley's Liber 777).

Stay awake for a week, and fast the four last days of that week. This is important to follow through.

Enter the Ritual Chamber, do a banishing (LBRP or IAEOU), and Conjure the Spirit in Improvisation Mode, that is, without having prepared anything.

Pretend to be the Lord Almighty to the Demon, and do the Command.

Third Lesson in Sorcery

 Soror 778, 2017


This post is for more advanced methods of Evocation, because Sorcery is defined as the Summoning of Evil Spirits.

 There is a spiritual hierarchy. One big Spirit at the top, gods and angels under it, and then the Evil Spirits comes under the Angels again.

 So, for working with an Evil Spirit it then sounds good to contact an Angel to motivate the Demon in question.

 This is all described in the christian magical grimoires from the middle ages.

 The Archangels are as follows:

Metatron As the angel of life, Metatron is at the top of the tree, directing God's living energy throughout the universe God has created. Metatron connects human beings living on earth with the divine energy of God and helps people incorporate that sacred energy into their lives. Metatron also brings spiritual balance ​to all of the different yet interconnected parts of God's creation and helps people achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Raziel As the angel of mysteries, Raziel reveals divine mysteries to people that help them become wiser. By showing people how to incorporate their knowledge into their lives in practical ways, through Raziel's guidance. Raziel helps people reach their full potential, according to God's good purposes for their lives.

Tzaphkiel As the angel of compassionate understanding, Tzaphkiel leads the angels who send the spiritual energy of understanding to people. Tzaphkiel helps people learn more about God, sends them insights about themselves as God's beloved children, and guides them to make decisions in their daily lives that reflect that core identity.

Zadkiel As the angel of mercy, Zadkiel and the angels he supervises send the energy of God's mercy throughout the universe. That involves inspiring people to be kind to others because God is kind to them. It also includes giving people peace when they pray so they can be confident that God will answer their prayers according to what's truly best.

Chaumuel As the angel of peaceful relationships, Chamuel exercises tough love to strengthen relationships so that people can experience peace -- within themselves, with each other, and with God. Chamuel and the angels he oversees test people's beliefs and motivations. In the process, they purify them to help people develop stronger relationships with God.

Haniel As the angel of joy, Haniel expresses God's eternal energy by helping people rely on God (who is eternally reliable) rather than on their changing emotions, and by enlightening people with insights that can bring them joy in any circumstances.

Michael and Raphael This angelic team joins extremely powerful forces: Michael is God's top angel, and Raphael is the leading angel of healing. As they express the divine energy of beauty, they help people tap into a higher level of consciousness. Just as they partner to express the divine energy of beauty, Michael and Raphael join forces to express God's glory, because that glory is beautiful. Together, these great archangels fight sin to make sure that the splendor of God's perfect design for creation wins out over sin that tries to corrupt that glorious design. Michael and Raphael also help people discover and fulfill God's glorious will for their lives.

Gabriel As the angel of revelation, Gabriel is a master communicator, so God has assigned Gabriel to be in charge of the tree's foundation. In that role, Gabriel connects people to God through messages of faith, and helps people rely on their faith in God to make transitions in life.

Sandalphon As the angel of music and prayer, Sandalphon sends messages back and forth between God and human beings in God's kingdom. Sandalphon's efforts are designed to keep divine energy flowing freely, nurturing all parts of God's kingdom.

Fourth Lesson in Sorcery

by Soror 778, 2017


Ok, so I lied, Sorcery is not only about Spirits. It is an ever promising path to inner Power.

Commanding Demons are one thing, but you have to exercise your own Self, your Attention, your Concentration, your Vision, your Dreams and especially important: Your own Confidence.

Begin by confronting your fears, one at a time. In the end you will not even fear Death.

Then be of Service to Self. Sorcery is no white light path, but the very Western Left Hand Path.

This Path leads to Godhood. By becoming better, less lazy, and more motivated for inner and outer change, you grow fast into a higher being, especially from your encounters with the dark world of Evil Spirits.

Be Evil. Be a Sinner. Live in drugs and sex. Spit in the face of every religious person. A Sorcerer is not bound by any god or devil. A Sorcerer has no Emotion, no Empathy. He is a Machine, that only wants and wants, needs and desires.

Fifth Lesson in Sorcery

by Soror 778, 2017


Ok, so now we are beyond basics.

These spirits that we use, have their limitations.

They are not beings with their own minds, but archetypal content in your subconscious mind.

So where does this leave us?

Well, the subcoscious have a link to objective results in the real world.

This is called Synchronicity (Jung).

What this means is that meaningful coincidences will appear in your life after messing with a spirit, even if you only did it mentally.

And mentally it is. This is the great secret among all charlatans: There is no Astral Domain, or Unseen World other than your dreams at REM sleep.

So when you evoke a spirit, give a rats ass about the scrying, tools, praying, and even fasting and sleep deprivation, like I suggested in the beginning. Just visualize the spirit, talk to it, and there will be enough quality of communication to drive a Spell.

004: Working with goetics

There are a number of ways of working with goetic spirits. You can follow the grimoires step by step, or you can use what you think will work from any number of them.

Planetary hours is just bullshit.

Circle and magical tools is not really needed.

What you need to do for evocation is not sleep for some days, and then fast at the end.

Prayers are not needed.

You should do a banishing ritual before and after the evocation.

Prepare a conjuration in which you define the spirit, it's rank and abilities.

You do not need to use any god names.

The power to control the spirit comes from you alone.

No need to invoke your higher self.

Use the sigil of the demon in the ritual.

Stare at this sigil while reciting the conjuration, then call the demon forth.

Do this again if the spirit does not show.

(If then the spirit does not show, threaten it by a higher ranking demon that you are familiar with.)

When you feel a presence, unfocus your eyes and peer into the air in front of you.

You will then both receive images and faintly see the demon.

If this is difficult, you could use tools afterall, like a crystal ball, a fire, smoke, a bowl of water to scry in.

State your intent, what you want, and what, if something, you will give in return.

Give the licence to depart.

005: List of demons

AZATHOTH Blind Mad Idiot God

Sathariel Angel of Secrecy

Balberith Chief Recruiter

Zevs King

Lucifer = Samael = Sammael = Satan = The Devil = Old Nick Materialism

Leviathan Sea Snake

Nyarlathotep Messenger of AZATHOTH

Lilith First wife of Adam

Dagon The Dreaming

Choronzon Your worst dark Ego

A list given by Michael Hyson:

(1) Sammael (2) Azazel (3) Abaddon (4) Belial (5) Astaroth (6) Azreal (7) Asmodeus (8 Zainael Etc.

Lucifer- Emperor Beelzeboul-2nd Astaroth-3rd Lucifuge Rafocale-Prime Minister

These are the Top Dogs of Hell. Under them you have four Chief Angels known as the Four Cardinals-

(1) Azazel (2) Ramiel (3) Dagon (4) Asmodeus

These four are the first Princes who fell with Lucifer.

Under these, you have three columns of Super Spirits/Demons.

(1) Seven Olympic Angels

(1) Aritron (2) Bethor (3) Phaleg (4) Och (5) Hagith (6) Ophiel (7) Phil

(2) Nine Great Kings

(1) Balaam (2) Vine (3) Purson (4) Bael (5) Zagan (6) Asmoday (7) Beleth [8] Piamon (9) Belial

(3) Seven Crowned Princes of the Spirits of the Air

(1) Azielis (2) Arielis (3) Marbuelis (4) Mephistopheles (5) Barbuelis (6) Aziabelis (7) Anqnelis

These three Columns full all others.


(1)Daniel (2) Azreal (3) Dagon (4) Asmodeus

006: Scrying spirits in the crystal ball

 Obtain a glass orb.  Have it in a room, empty of stuff. Keep the ball on a table, over a black cloth.  For 60min a day, just stare at the ball.  Do this for three weeks.  Then unfocus your eyes and gaze into it, for one more week.  Perform the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, the middle pillar, and the lesser hexagram ritual.  Call upon any angel or demon, spirit that you want.  See it in the crystal ball.


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